Be Single Minded


Mark 4:39-40 (NKJV)

“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.  But He said to them, ‘Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”

A storm came through a few nights ago so I was picking up limbs in the yard.  It struck me that most of those limbs were dead.  They had been hanging on somehow, but were now on the ground for me to pick up.  It made me think.  I wonder if sometimes storms are meant to help us get rid of the dead things in our lives.  Things that are at best –  unprofitable, or at worst – harmful.  I think if we look back on some storms we might find that The Lord has allowed us to get rid of some baggage that we didn’t need… things that were not profitable for His kingdom.

That day there was also one large limb that had been very much alive.  The storm brought it down.  I wonder if it was weak, too heavy for the winds, or struck by lightning?  The pile of ”life” laying in the yard was pretty in its own way, but sad.  It meant it would no longer live again. It makes me wonder about the aftermath of some storms. Things that were good and beautiful are no more. I think of someone losing their spouse. Some storm – whether cancer, an accident, or perhaps the culmination of things in this sinful world has caused what was once a beautiful, vibrant relationship to be lost. Maybe a best friend?  Maybe a job? In those instances, the storm produces a most undesirable outcome because something good is now gone.

God is Lord of both scenarios.  Our response to each is what matters.  Will we respond in faith?  Will we turn loose of the old, dead baggage that is no longer needed.  Will we turn to Him and allow Him to help us walk through life without being bitter or permanently devastated because we lost something good?  Will we allow the Holy Spirit to be our comforter? Will we find what it is He is trying to teach us?  Will we trust Him no matter what?  God is Lord of every storm.  Our role is one of faith. He will take us through it.  We must trust Him.

My childhood Pastor would say that everyone has storms.  We’re either “in one, coming out of one, or headed into one.”   All of this is running through my mind as I think about those limbs.  I want to come through my storms with the outcome He desires.  I want to learn what He wants to teach me.  I want to lean heavy on Him. I want to live in such a way that the storm doesn’t negate His presence, it enhances it.  I want it to accomplish what He wants in my life.  I want to trust and honor Him.  Through it all, I want to have faith and be faithful to Him.