Be Single Minded

Terms of Use

This website was established to share my personal experiences and thoughts in my walk with Jesus Christ and to encourage other like-minded believers.  I have no training in counseling, biblical teaching, and as you will probably notice, it has been a long time since I’ve taken grammar.  My thoughts and opinions are my own and are not intended to provide counseling of any kind (financial, emotional, or any other) as I believe it is meant for us all to “work out [our] own salvation with fear and trembling”. (Philippians 2:12 NKJV)

All contents are original with me unless stated as such.  My childhood pastor was Dr. Adrian Rogers who I am eternally indebted to for so much in my Christian life and walk.  My current pastor is Pastor Allen Jackson who I value greatly as he leads and encourages us all to follow Christ.  Any reference to something I have learned or heard from either of them that may have instigated further thought and lead to an entry on this blog is understood to be from those sources unless otherwise noted.

These writings are original with me (unless otherwise stipulated) and should not be copied, used out of context, scanned, stored, manipulated or duplicated in any other manner.  All rights reserved and all content copyrighted.

Because and since this is a personal site, intended to express my beliefs, your participation or use of this site is voluntary and provides no legal recourse to you for any reason.  Your “use” thus constitutes acceptance of the terms put forth herein.  

Thank you for reading.  I am humbled that you would take the time to do so.  I hope you are encouraged to Be Single Minded in your walk with Jesus Christ and committed to Him in all you do.



Scripture taken from the New King James Version.  Copyright© 1982 by Thomas Nelson.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®.  Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved worldwide.

The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible.  King James Version. The Old Testament. The New Testament.  Copyright 1984 by Spiros Zodhiates and AMG International, Inc.