Be Single Minded

Strength To Strength

Psalm 84:5-7 (NKJV)

“Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage.  As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools.  They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion.”

We all have areas to overcome.  Some have physical ailments that are cumbersome and difficult. They do not go away, are not healed, and we have to manage with those physical limitations.  Some have temptations that have not been fully overcome… temptations that we have to repeatedly say “no” to.  We are not yet free from their lure and we have to continually denounce and turn from them. Some have emotional wounds that are easily bruised. The slightest blow to that area produces a pain that we can barely bear.  If we let it, it will alter our actions and behaviors because we are so protective…avoiding further wounds at all cost. It can impact our entire lives.  

We overcome the physical challenges of our flesh because God gives grace and we press on in His strength.  That same grace helps us continually denounce those temptations and at some point they no longer tempt us… we are dead to them.  Our emotional pain is softened as we hand each new painful blow to The Lord and by His grace, choose to continue to care for and love those around us.  We understand there may be more pain to come, but we are willing to endure it because we want The Lord to have His way in our lives and to use us in the lives of other people. We determine to overcome all of these because we are followers of Christ and each time we overcome we grow in strength. We mature.  

Be encouraged!! Be set on pilgrimage! This journey is meant to be one of moving from strength to strength, and perseverance and grace are the keys to doing that.  Draw from His strength. We are not alone.  We can overcome!  He will help us, bless us, and equip us to live from strength to strength!