Be Single Minded

Decisions Decisions

Proverbs 4:26 (NKJV)

“Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.”

I was in high school, taking some friends home from ball practice… driving my little VW Rabbit that my grandfather had helped buy for me. We had to go through a 4-way stop and we were pretty wired up like teenage friends can be. One of my friends started saying “RUN IT! RUN IT”.  I stopped instead.  Immediately another car flew in front of us. My friend looked at me, wide eyed, and said “how did you know?”  I said, “I didn’t”. 

I learned a very valuable lesson that day.  I learned that one decision can totally change your life.  It is true.  None of us saw that other car. If I had run that stop sign I would likely have been severely injured or killed… it was my side of the car. 

So obeying what we know can protect us from what we don’t know.  Our decisions have repercussions later.  If I choose to participate in an event that will have me out late, it will be difficult for me to attend church the next morning.  Then I miss what The Lord has for me and I never know it.  If I always pay for dinner with a charge card and never pay that debt in full at the end of the month, I end up with a huge credit card bill that puts me in bondage.  If I find myself in the wrong place at the wrong time, my life takes a painful turn that could have been avoided if I had just avoided the wrong place.

I think about how many seemingly insignificant decisions have led to very significant things in my life.  I know you have examples in your life as well.  The Lord has given us commands and principals that can help guide us through this life with the least interference.  Life is not easy.  We don’t need to add any trouble to it.  I want my decisions to be good ones.  I believe The Lord will bless that and He will bless you as you seek to do the same.