Be Single Minded

Just Enough

Matthew 6:34 (NIV®)

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Ever been in a tough spot?  One that you didn’t know what the outcome would be, and knew it could go either way?  It could be good or bad.  Maybe you didn’t do anything to cause it, but you ended up in it as a part of life. Maybe you arrived there because of a mis-step… a consequence from something done earlier… a little payback.

Either way, we find ourselves in spots where we need help from The Lord.  I’ve found myself in one of those spots as of late and here’s what I’ve been reminded of… God gives us just enough of what we need for that moment and that day.  He gives guidance.  He gives comfort.  He provides.  He gives grace.  He gives peace.  He doesn’t heap us up with all of those things to get us through the week ahead.  He gives us what we need for now – for today.

So my job is to focus on what is happening now and not borrow trouble that I might think is coming.  I can worry about the end point of all of this and be stressed out to the max… or I can trust God today.  I can listen to His guidance, accept His comfort, and live in His peace today.  The day becomes easier because He has given me just enough to walk through it… and He will give me just enough tomorrow to walk through it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.  Since I don’t know the future, I’ll not worry about that.  Me walking through each day trusting Him will produce the best result.  I can rest in what He provides to get me through and trust Him with the outcome.

He gives us just enough for what we need now… not for what might happen tomorrow or what we fear is coming next.  So I won’t borrow trouble from tomorrow.  I’ll leave that to my loving heavenly Father and use what He provides today to walk faithfully.  He has told me that is how I’m supposed to approach all of this, and has given me just enough to do it well.  I bless Him for His provision and His presence.  Amen.