Be Single Minded


Psalms 1:3 (NKJV)

“He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”

This morning was cool and crisp.  Sixty degree temperatures would normally have me chilled… but I was walking at a good pace – so was not cold.  I rounded the corner and saw the most beautiful tree in the neighborhood.  Bright red leaves from top to bottom with a little orange and green still lingering.  It is a mature tree.  The thought occurred to me how much more beautiful that tree has become as it has grown.  Age has only intensified its beauty, and the fall months bring out the best.

Noteworthy that the season where things are starting to die off tends to be the most beautiful.  One could say spring – but fall is my choice.  The season really doesn’t matter though.  In all seasons of our lives there is some type of growth.  Some type of dying off and putting on.  Sometimes that growth is from enduring difficulties.  Sometimes it is from learning to let go and shedding the old.  Sometimes it is taking on new challenges.  Sometimes it is just being disciplined in the everyday things.  If we persist, all are opportunities for growth.  We are really never just sitting still.  Sure, we rest sometimes, but even learning to rest can have its own aspect of growth. 

Thinking back to that tree… I want to consistently do so well in all of my “seasons” that I become more beautiful with age.  I want to change out the worldly parts of me for the Godly ones.  To grow enough in Christ that when opportunity presents itself, I am ready to bloom.  I want what shows on the outside to be good, nice, and pleasing.  I hope my “color” will be a blessing to those who see it and maybe even encourage others in their seasons.  Do you want that as well?   

As we walk with Christ, He changes and grows us.  We become mature in faith, hope and love.  We learn to trust.  We learn to rest.  We learn and grow so much in so many areas.  That’s really the only way we get the spiritual form of the vibrant color in this tree.  Each season adds more of His color in our lives.  And when we reach the more mature years, we don’t look like this old world… we are beautiful in Christ… no matter the season.