Be Single Minded

New Year – Focus

Proverbs 4:25-27 (NIV®)

“Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.  Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.  Do not turn to the right or the left, keep your foot from evil.”

I’m not usually big on new year resolutions. They usually last about as long as it takes me to think one up. Sure, I need to make improvements — but I don’t have to wait on a calendar event to work up to that.

This year, though, I want to encourage you to set your focus. We get easily distracted by events in this world, money, family, friends, work… you name it. But our laser-like focus should always and foremost be on Christ. It is setting our sites on the lighthouse while all the waves roar around us. What we see, do, and understand is always predicated by where we focus.

I encourage you to make a commitment – something stronger than just a resolution. A commitment to set your focus on Christ. To read His word The Holy Bible. To listen to His voice. To do what He says. To follow where He leads. Commit to daily seek Him. Focus on Him and let all the other chips fall where they may. There is no telling what God will do in and through us as we release everything else and hold solidly to Him. Join with me in this. Let’s commit to Him – to have our primary focus be Christ and His Kingdom – and let’s see what He will do this coming year.