Be Single Minded

You Can’t Get There From Here

Matthew 7:22-23 (NIV®)

“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you.  Away from me, you evil-doers!’”

I wonder sometimes, how many of us who think we’re going to heaven will actually end up there?  I mean, let’s face it… most of us think we’re pretty good people.  We, for the most part,  live a quiet and peaceful life.  We don’t speed through small neighborhoods.  We don’t steal.  We don’t kill.  We work hard for a living.  We love our family.  We’re just good folk.  But the examples in this scripture did more than that.  I mean, prophesying?  Driving out demons?  That is pretty big league Christianity isn’t it?  Evidently not.  Jesus never knew them.  So I think we should stop and take inventory if He will really know us.

Don’t presuppose that you’re accepted.  Test yourself.  Christianity is not what we do – it is who we serve.  Our actions are not the source… they are the outcome.  Our relationship with Jesus Christ is the source.  That relationship begins with our repentance and His forgiveness.  If we haven’t submitted to that, then we don’t have a prayer.

Take a few minutes and make sure you won’t be surprised when you meet God.  Ask Him to forgive you and commit to following Him.  Then, once you are certain about yourself, check in on those around you.  There’s only one way to be saved and it is through Jesus Christ.  Anyone who thinks being good or religious will be enough… or simply assenting that there is a God without actually knowing and following Him will get you to Heaven.  Well, you can’t get there from here.