Be Single Minded

A New Thing

Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

I love Spring.  The birds play chase and sing at the top of their lungs.  All the trees are putting forth bright green leaves.  The flowers in all colors, shapes and sizes are starting to pop out in their brilliance.  Can you imagine how much MORE beautiful it would all be if there were no sin in the world?  Even still, it is magnificent.  It is a new start.  A new beginning.

I want my life to be like that.  Always ready for the new thing God has for me.  Don’t you?  It could be just around the corner just like spring was from winter.  I am excited when I think about what new thing He may do in me and maybe even through me for someone else.  I don’t want to be stagnant.  I want to be open and willing for the Lord to change me.  How boring to think that we could live our lives and never change.  Change is good!  We learn, grow, bend, and shine as we adapt to whatever it is The Lord has for us.  Our boundaries change.  Our abilities are enhanced and our usability is increased.

Look around next time you are outside.  Take in the beauty of it all.  It is the beauty of a new thing.  Let’s be all of that!  Wherever we are right now in life, let’s be wiling for God to do a new thing in us.  Change is good!  Growth is good!  God is good!  He is ready!  Let’s make sure we are willing and ready as well.  Who knows what is ahead of us?  God says we will know.   I can hardly wait to see the new thing He will do!