Be Single Minded


James 1:21 (NIV®)

“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

As I was walking the other day, I noticed three maple trees next to each other.  The trees on either end were full of leaves and had good color.  The one in the middle was bare and looked like it was dying.  I wondered how and why a tree would be dying in the same place where others were thriving.  What made the difference?

I’m not a horticulturist, but thinking about the basics of plant life, I think there must be something wrong with the tree.  It is not that it didn’t have the same sunshine or rain.  The soil couldn’t be that different.  The life of the tree was at risk because of the tree itself.  Somehow it couldn’t take advantage of the nourishment the other trees used to thrive.  Why?

I may never know about that tree, but it made me think of the life of a Christian.  It made me think of this verse in James.  As Christians, we have everything we need to thrive in life.  God’s word is available to nourish our spirits and souls, but do we receive it?  This verse tells us to put away all the things that are in the way.  Recognize the things all around us that oppose God and choose against them.  Don’t give them a place in our lives.  Get rid of them.  It is so easy it to let our guard down and give place to small things that hinder us.

God’s word is available to all of us.  Scripture says that, as believers, it is planted in us.  Much like a tree, we have to accept it in order to be nourished by it.  We have to remove all the things that keep us from receiving it.  Then, as we receive it, we are nourished and we are saved.