Be Single Minded

Your Easter

Ephesians 2:13 (NIV®)

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”

If you are regularly reading this blog, you probably don’t have any confusion over the meaning of Easter.  You know it isn’t about bunnies and colored eggs.  It is about Jesus Christ who is God, coming back from the dead after being crucified on a cross as payment for our sins.  For those of us who call Him Lord, the Jesus of Easter gives us life.

What if Jesus came, showed us how to live a good life, and died?  We would have a great example.  We would go around doing good things.  We would help others.  We would point people to the Kingdom of God.  We would keep the traditions of the faith, including Passover.  We would be lost in our sin and spend eternity in Hell.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ brings the hope of the New Covenant to all of us.  He paid for our sin by His death on the cross.  His resurrection destroyed any power that death and hell have over those of us who have put our trust in Him.  It doesn’t just save us from hell, it saves us from ourselves.  It saves us from living a life of bondage to so many things in so many areas.  It opens the door for us to have a relationship with God – to be at peace with God.

So today, I hope you will join me by taking time to think about your personal Easter.  What is your story?  We say that God has saved us but He has done more than saved us from Hell hasn’t He?  For some, He has restored a marriage.  For some, He has brought freedom from addiction.  For some, He has provided for needs despite obstacles.  For some, He has brought healing.  For some, He has given a reason to live.  For all of us, He has brought freedom from the bondage of sin and the privilege of knowing God, and being known by Him, in this life.

So I ask you to think about your personal story and I hope you will share it with others this Easter.  If you don’t have one, I hope you will take a look at the “How To” page on this site and join those of us who celebrate this wonderful holiday.  Everyone should have their own reason to celebrate Easter.  I have mine.  What is yours?