Be Single Minded

An Honest Heart

Luke 20:7 (NIV®)

“So they answered, ‘We don’t know where it was from.’”

The account that includes this verse describes Christ teaching in the temple every day and a large number of people coming to listen to Him. In the midst of those people were the religious leaders. No doubt they knew many of those who were learning about the gospel and the Kingdom of God. They couldn’t stand that Jesus was getting all the attention. Read through the first books of the New Testament.  Those leaders hated Jesus and at every opportunity they were trying to trip Him up. They were trying to catch Him in an inconsistency or error in their law.

Jesus knew their schemes and their hearts. He knew everything about them, even what they had for breakfast. When they asked Him a question, He responded with another question. He did that frequently, but what follows is what reveals the hearts of those leaders. Instead of answering the question honestly and having a truthful conversation, they began conniving. If they answered it one way, it would give support to Jesus. If they answered it another way then all the people would be mad at them.

How often does our interaction with God resemble what this passage displays? Do we read the Bible with an open heart or do we resist when truth requires action from us?  Do we make an excuse?  Do we think our excuse will excuse us from the penalty of disobedience or rebellion?  How often do we ask something of God when we really have no intention of doing what He says?  Do we really want to know the truth?

This is one example in scripture we don’t want to emulate.  Those religious leaders knew what the truth was, they just refused to honor it.  Their answer of “I don’t know” was a cop out. They would forfeit their ability to live in truth just to “save face” and have things continue their way.  

As we come before God our heart needs to be fertile soil. We need to be prepared to receive His answer and allow that to rule in our lives. Then we can be continually cleansed by His truth. We relinquish any “right” to our way because He is the authority.  We do not give place to manipulations or choose blindfolds. If we want truth, if we want to be clean, if we really want Him, we must come with an honest heart.