Be Single Minded

Cheerful Givers

2 Corinthians 9:7 (NKJV)

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Does a missionary to a foreign country regret spending so much of their life outside of the “norm”?  Does a Pastor in a small church regret His decision to serve because He barely scrapes by financially? Does the businessman regret passing on the promotion when he knows the money would help but the extra responsibility would put a strain on his family? All of these things, and many more, are where we offer things to the Lord that go beyond our money.  We position ourselves so that every part of our life can be a gift to Him.  Our lives are “on the alter” so to speak.  Sometimes money is the easy part.  It’s all the other “gifts” that can be hard.  We offer our whole life, choose obedience and, in the process, we lose something.  We can lose our dreams, our aspirations, and even feel like we’re losing a part of ourselves.

The “things” we give Him are tokens that ultimately reveal and impact our heart.  David says the only gift worth giving is one that costs us (2 Samuel 24:18-24). Has God asked you for something that costs you?  I think He asks it of all of us. 

In ourselves, there is nothing we have that is worthy of God’s acceptance but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give it. He doesn’t need our money, cars, jobs, houses, or families. Everything we have is old, dirty, smelly, broken, and of no sentimental value or use. Even our hearts are jaded, conniving, selfish and full of betrayal. The only worth of anything we have is the worth assigned because He loves us and wants us.  Like us rummaging through a heap of trash at the dump and finding an old rusty tin can with holes in it and then deciding to take it home; such is God’s love for us.

If you sense that you have been giving to God begrudgingly, stop now and choose to submit your heart to Him in whatever it is. He will show you the area. Spend time there in realization and repentance.  Spend time loving Him. Give Him all you have and all your are.  Stay in His presence until your heart is changed.

We never want to give half-heartedly to God.  Let’s bring our gifts to Him with enthusiasm, excitement and love.  Let’s joyfully turn it all over to Him, even the things we hold most dear.  Let’s trust Him, love Him and gladly leave it all in His loving hands as cheerful givers.

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