Be Single Minded

I Know What You Need

Matthew 6:8b (NKJV)

“…your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.”

It was the wee hours of the morning… and my mind turned to a prayer I have prayed so many times before… asking The Lord, yet again, for some things that He has yet to grant.  Do you ever wonder if The Lord gets weary of hearing us ask things of Him?  I mean… you’d think by now I’d take “no” for an answer.  You’d think by now I’d have learned to just adapt.

I’m convinced those desires and prayers that don’t go away are heart things.  They aren’t the wishes to be rich or to have all the latest toys.  Those superficial things I wanted last month aren’t anywhere in my thoughts this month.  Obviously, I didn’t really need them.  But those things that persist… those things we can’t shake… I think those are heart cries and are at least a type of need.  They are things that are not easily gained and mean more to us than most of the things we already have.

Given my repetitiveness, I wondered if The Lord was weary of hearing me ask yet again.  Then I heard the words of the verse above… “your Father knows the things you have need of”.  I’ve heard the “prosperity gospel” folks talk about how all you have to do is ask for those things you want.  If I trusted them I would question God… question His goodness for not granting what I’ve asked for… question His trustworthiness because He hasn’t provided for what I consider to be a need.  

Yet I know God is both good and trustworthy.  That morning I rested in His presence because He was enough.  Even if I never get the answer I want to those prayers, He will provide, He will be present, and I will learn how to abide closely so that He can meet those needs for me… or give grace to overcome.  He’s been in my human shoes… He knows the human struggle… He knows.  Life not being perfect provides opportunity for me to know Him in the intimacy of handing Him my disappointment, my sorrow, and my hurt.  I present my humble request yet again, knowing that, no matter the answer, He is here, He knows, and He is enough.