Be Single Minded

He Did Not Know

He Did Not Know

Judges 16:20c (NIV)

“But he did not know that The Lord had departed from him”

This is one of the most sad and terrifying verses in scripture to me. The fact that one day we could be experiencing the goodness and provision of The Lord, and a few days later miss it all.  The discipline that is required to maintain a sure and steady walk with The Lord is not shabby or lazy.  There doesn’t seem to be much room for variance if we want to stay on track and avoid missteps.  How easy it is to fall into busy days and become so engrossed in them that we slowly lose the ability to sense The Lord’s presence… that we fall into such a habit of the daily grind that we fail to include Him.  The Spirit is quenched and we don’t even recognize it.

Most of us have a type of “new normal” that we gained during the “covid days”.  For me, the most important has been a renewed focus.  I see things differently.  I am more aware than ever of my dependency on Christ.  I don’t think I’m alone in that.  The Lord has brought many of us to a renewed place with Him.  I don’t want to lose that.  I don’t want to forfeit ground that has been gained.

I am more determined than ever before to have a purposeful daily walk with The Lord. I will choose to stay in the word. I will pray for those around me and for this fallen world. I will take time to be in His presence and to invite Him into every part of my life.  I will choose to nourish and protect my relationship with Christ.  I will take every opportunity to allow for growth, refreshing, and change and I choose to be careful to not fall into bad habits.  Will you join me?

Samson was granted restoration. God was gracious to restore his strength and Samson gave glory to God in his final days.  He is a wonderful example of God’s faithfulness and love for us.  But let’s not take restoration for granted.  Let’s be faithful followers.  Let’s stay fresh and in tune with what The Lord wants to do in our lives TODAY.  Enjoy His presence. Feast on His goodness. He is such a great and awesome God. Let’s not miss Him!