Be Single Minded


Job 23:10 (NKJV)

“But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot has held fast to His steps; I have kept His way and not turned aside.”

Sometimes all we can do is put one foot in front of the other.  Circumstances put us in places where there’s really only one right answer.  So we walk and trust, walk and trust, walk and trust.  Sometimes we’re so bombarded that we’re not even aware that there is a choice to be made – we just do the next thing.  Most of us have been there… or are there.

I think those “one step at a time” days allow us to see God.  We see His sovereignty.  We see that He really is in control of all aspects of our lives.  Circumstances may or may not be of our own making, but our being in the middle of that path is no surprise to Him.  He knows and we know He knows… so we trust.

That is the life of a believer in Jesus Christ.  Our steps are guided as we follow Him.  Sometimes we have multiple choices; sometimes there are only a few options, and other times it is just steadily taking the next step in front of us.  But we are determined to stay on whatever path He has for us… and to walk in His precepts… step by step by step.

I confess I don’t always like it, but I know that even in the more difficult times, God is still guiding my steps.  “No other option” means that is my path, and I believe He will take care of me irrespective of the obstacles.  When I know that He knows about it, to me, that is what makes it doable.  I gain strength from knowing He knows.  Because if He knows about it, then He has already provided the strength and wisdom and whatever I need to take each step with grace.  I do my part by keeping His way in each step I take… and He will do the rest.

So be encouraged.  God knows EXACTLY where you are. He has not left you alone. He is meticulously growing and guiding you to exactly where you need to be, and into the person He wants you to become.  All our steps are in His hands.  They are under the watchful eye of our loving heavenly Father.  He knows.  So keep walking… one step at a time.