Be Single Minded

Tinted Windows

I Corinthians 13:12 (NKJV)

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.  Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.”

I imagine you’ve seen the tinted back window of a dirty car before… you know – dirt everywhere except where the wiper has been?  I was behind such a car earlier this week and the spiritual picture that presented to me was obvious.  I have been thinking  about it a few days.

I really couldn’t see who or what was in that vehicle.  It was all a blur.  Between the tint on the glass and then the dirt – sure in the cleaner area I could see the shapes of those in the front of the car – but nothing clearly. 

As for the dirt… I seek The Lord.  I confess and turn from everything I know that is dirty/sinful, but I still can’t fully see.  I mean, if I were harboring sin it would make perfect sense that I can’t see through all the distractions and dirt. But to not be able to see when I’ve done all I know to do… why is that?

Maybe it is timing.  Maybe I’m not ready to see it. But for certain, it is that it is not possible to see some things until HE is revealed. 

I love this verse in I Corinthians because it basically says that we won’t see or understand everything on this side until He reveals it.  But ohhhhh when we’re face to face … we will see it ALL!!!  My heart almost skips a beat when I think of it. To be face to face with my Lord.  To see and know Him as much as I am already seen and known.  What a day that will be!

So in the meantime, I look through the tinted, sometimes dirty, sometimes mostly clean window that is this world and this realm.  But I look forward with great anticipation to when there won’t be anything blocking me seeing Him face to face… and for the first time being able to clearly see!  You will too! Won’t that be amazing?!  Even so, COME LORD JESUS!!