Be Single Minded

Enough Oil?

Matthew 25:1-4 (NIV®)

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.  Five of them were foolish and five were wise.  Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.”

The power went out the other night.  Not a single light on in the house.  I wasn’t afraid… but it had been a long time since I was in a scenario like that.  So I went fumbling for our oil lamp.  It didn’t take long to light it up and I found the perfect spot to read a book while I waited.  Then I noticed I had less than half an inch of oil in the lamp.  I wondered how long it would last.  I immediately thought of this passage.

Lately I’ve been thinking about being prepared.  I need to buy some more oil for that lamp.  More importantly, I need to make sure I’m ready to meet Jesus.  I encourage you to do the same.  Think about it.  If you were in the scenario of these women and you knew your bridegroom might be just around the corner (or guys — your wife)… would you be dressed all scraggly?  Would you be in a place that would disappoint them at best, or at worst, hurt them and harm your relationship?  Would you just go about your business and hope for the best?  Would you behave as if you didn’t expect Him to come?  I mean – a bridegroom… that’s a big deal… what would you do to prepare?  

If you’re a believer in Jesus Christ… in relationship with Him… then you either know Him or are getting to know Him.  I think it’s safe to say that your knowledge of Him affords some respect.  It directs how you spend your time and money.  It impacts your relationships with others and who your closest friends are.  If it doesn’t really impact anything in your life, then I would question whether you really know Him… I would wonder if you were really ready.

I had enough oil that night.  The lights weren’t out too long; but what a reminder.  I want to represent well.  I do not want to be ashamed when my Lord comes.  I do not want to be busy about things that don’t really matter.  I want to be prepared for the long night of waiting and be ready to meet Him.  I want to live expectantly.

Stock up on your oil.  If you read the full passage you’ll see that some thought they were ready but were not.  The Bridegroom turned them away.  Don’t be caught unprepared. Fill up your lamp.  I have no idea when He’s coming… but I know He is.  Be expectant!  Be ready!