Be Single Minded

His – In Christ

1 Corinthians 3:23 (NIV®)

“And you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.”

Ever have just the right song to automatically play in the car when you needed it most?  Ever have friends and/or family reach out and encourage you when you were in a tough spot?  Ever have someone send you a verse The Lord gave them for you and tell you they were praying for you?  How does God interject Himself into your life when you need it most?

All of these things happened to me this week. It was as if The Lord said, “I’m going to show evidence that I am with you by orchestrating all these ‘little’ things to remind you that I am here and I am with you through it all”.  If He orchestrates the little things then I’m pretty sure He can handle the big ones too.   

It is almost overwhelming when the God of the universe takes time to remind you that you are His and “He’s got this”.  We can release and trust Him with it all.  The recognition and understanding that you are His brings a confident hope that everything will turn out as He designs. That doesn’t mean the spot you’re in is any easier… but it does mean that you can walk through it. There is an inner peace that can’t really be explained… but it is there. We have an assurance that where we are is in His plan; and we have the confidence to humbly walk it out. 

Has the Holy Spirit confirmed to your spirit that you are in Christ… that you are God’s?  I hope so. I hope you will see God’s hand in your life. I hope you will be encouraged from the fact that you are in Christ and therefore perfectly positioned in God Himself.   I hope you can draw strength from that knowledge. Look for signs of His presence and be encouraged. Take comfort in His individualized care for you. It doesn’t make the path easy, but it for sure makes it doable… in Christ.