Be Single Minded

Know It All

1 Corinthians 13:12 (NKJV)

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.  Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.”

Have you ever considered how it is we know things?  So much is handed down to us… how to speak, what the color blue looks like, and not to play in a busy street!  I’ve been thinking lately about how little we know.  For example, we didn’t create the color blue… we just learned how to identify it.  We didn’t create the language… we learned how to use it.  Someone had to teach us everything. 

What do we really know about God?  We know He loves us because He gave His only son to pay the penalty for our sin.  We believe this by faith because He told us in His Word.  But I’m convinced we haven’t scratched the surface in really knowing God’s love.  We have an earthly example that we can relate to… but we only understand based on our experience.  Our experience is wrapped in our humanity.  Our humanity can only grasp so much. 

Can you imagine what it will be like to really know?  I can only imagine how much bigger and better God is than what my mind can think up.  He has shown us that He is good, kind, loving, sovereign, healer, judge, patient, companion and on and on… but all of that is still the smallest speck of who He is.  We understand in part, but in no way do we know it all.

Who do you need Him to be to you today?  Whatever it is, He is MORE than you need.  All that you think He is…. He is more.  All that you need Him to be… He is more.  He doesn’t barely come through in meeting our needs, He is abundantly bigger and better… we just don’t always realize it.  Set your heart on Him.  Take the time to allow Him to be MORE to you today and realize that one day we will really know.  I can hardly wait!