Be Single Minded

Banner of Love

Song of Solomon 2:4 (NKJV)

“He brought me to the banqueting house, And his banner over me was love.”

I don’t claim to understand everything in scripture.  My childhood Pastor used to tell us to “obey the parts you do understand, and before long you’ll understand the parts you don’t understand. Understand?”.  That is kind of how I feel about Song of Solomon. It is not a “go-to” book for me. Too much there I don’t understand.  But I was reminded of this verse and it struck me that this describes how I’ve experienced God’s love this week.  It is the perfect example of God’s love for me… and for all of us who follow Him.

See, I fully recognize that there is absolutely nothing in me that makes me worthy of God’s love.  There is nothing that makes me deserve it.  I have come through a hard week of loss, and yet all around me and over me has been God’s grace and goodness and love.  Can you relate?  Situations where God has overwhelmed you with His love such that the hard valleys become rivers of plenty?

I have had friends and family show love to me in such gracious ways. It has been a banner of sorts. A covering.  A comfort.  It has been as if God Himself has surrounded me and hedged me in and around with His kindness, provision, protection, and His love.  I have been ushered to His banquet as an honored guest and I am humbled by the outpouring of love from Him and others He has sent my way.

I don’t know if I can explain it, but in this instance, the banner is not something I have raised to show my allegiance or a group where I am aligned.  This banner of love is something He has bestowed on me.  A banner where He has said that I am His and that He loves me even when I could do nothing to deserve it.  He loves and I am overwhelmed to be one of so many who live under that banner.

Hard times or not, I hope you know what it is like to live under such love.  If you do not, would you like to meet Jesus?  He has a banner all set for you.  It is love.  To meet Him, go over to the “How To” page of this blog.  I’ll see you at the banquet table.