Be Single Minded

Just Abide

John 15:4a (NKJV)

“Abide in Me, and I in you.”

Have you ever been at the end of a road and needed to start down a new one?  That is where I have been these past few weeks.  “Life events” have occurred and my path seems a little uncertain.  I usually have some idea of what is around the corner.  This time I have no clue.  When and where does the next road start?  Where will it lead?  How will it end?  What should I do?  How do I prepare?  Ever been there?

I am always amazed at how The Lord puts scripture in front of me at the perfect time.  This past week it was John 15.  Knowing the scenario I was facing, it was as if The Lord just said “Stop. Chill. Rest. Abide.”  I don’t know how often we can actually carve out time in our lives to just stop everything; but it is almost as if everything is moving in slow motion and my only job is to abide.  I don’t need to go looking for whatever is next.  I need to let everything just “be”… and I need to abide.

I haven’t been great at it.  I keep wondering what I should be doing.  Wondering if I should be making decisions as to how to move on to the next thing.  But in the end, I have no answers and there is zero chance that I’m going to be able to figure it out, much less end up in the right place, unless I just stop, chill, rest, and abide.  He is Lord of everything.  I think He is fully capable of putting me exactly where I need to be at exactly the right time and speaking specifically to my heart as to what my next step is.  My job… hard as it can be at times… is to just abide.

What a sweet invitation.  I hope I can reap every benefit possible from this time.  If The Lord has you in a similar place, be willing to stay there.  Enjoy Him.  If you’re not there, take notes… we all end up here sooner or later.  His timing is perfect. His presence is our pleasure. Just abide.  He’ll take care of the rest.