Be Single Minded

Don’t Let It Go To Your Head

Romans 12:3 (NKJV)

“For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.”

Isn’t it amazing how scripture can read us?  I hope we all have friends who encourage us, who say good things about who we are and what we do.  Family and friends do that don’t they?  Lately I have been keenly aware that other’s opinions of me are significantly higher and better than who I really am.  My guess is we all fall in that category.

People think we’re nice, but they don’t know the battle that raged inside as we were deciding whether or not to let that person pull in front of us during rush hour.  They think we’re composed in every situation, but they’re not around when we’re talking (or yelling) at the television.  They think we’re great at our jobs because we have excelled, but we know others around us are just as competent and it is only by God’s grace we are where we are.

These are the things (and others) that I have been thinking about lately.  Who I am compared to who others think I am.  How I know the “me” that has to continually work to stay in line and in tune with Christ.  Truth is, we all need a new heart.  We all need Jesus to change us.  We all need to daily submit to His Lordship and obey.

I can guarantee that folks would think a lot less of me if The Lord hadn’t changed me.  Can you say that?  There is nothing good in us without God.  When He gives us a new heart our motivations can be changed and fueled by His love for us.  Our thoughts become conformed to His way of thinking as we immerse ourselves in His word.  Our actions take on life as we seek to allow Him to live and love others through us.  There isn’t anything good in us that doesn’t stem from His presence and power in our lives.  So when we receive a compliment, let’s be quick to give credit where credit is due.  Our Lord is our source.  We’re just conduits and temporary temples.  Let’s praise Him for how he has changed us and saved us from ourselves.  Praise Him for loving us despite our obvious failures and flaws.  Praise Him for being willing to change us into something that can give Him glory.  Today I am humbly grateful to God.  Join me.  Let’s not let it go to our heads.