Be Single Minded


Hebrews 13:7 (NIV®)

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you.  Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”

I am grateful for those who have walked the Christian life ahead of me. Some are older in years. Some are older in their Christian walk. Some have passed on to Heaven.  All have a special place in my heart because of how they live out their faith and point me to Christ.  Whether a Godly Pastor, youth minister, friend, family or teacher, they all strive to daily live out their faith.

Sometimes we need a reminder don’t we?  A reminder of how we should live.  A reminder to remember those who are our mentors and to consider how they walk so we can emulate them. Even Paul told the churches to follow his example of following Christ.  We all need examples and inspiration sometimes. These people live as examples to follow; not perfect by any means, but their heart is sincere in their desire to follow and obey The Lord. They give God’s word prominence in their lives.  They show us how to live obedient, faithful lives. Those who have passed on to Heaven were faithful to the end. Their lives made an eternal impact on us. 

God knows how many of us are following Him. We are not alone in this journey. He has given us individuals to walk alongside us. He has given us those who have gone before. Stop and take some time to think about them. Remember them all. Draw strength from their example. Seek to live out your faith with integrity as they do. Let their lives inspire you. Remember them. Follow their faith. Finish well.