Be Single Minded


I Samuel 8:7 (NKJV)

“And the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.’”

I have been thinking a good deal about authority lately.  Where it comes from.  How we are impacted by it and our choices.  This is such a large topic.  Believe me, I don’t think I have all the answers, but I wanted to write these thoughts because in thinking and studying, the insight I have gained has impacted how I see things.  Maybe something here will resonate with you.

Scripture reveals that God is the ultimate authority.  As His children, He is the one we look to for guidance.  He is the one we obey.  He is our judge.  In the early days of Israel, God was their authority as well, until they asked for a king.  They actually asked for a king instead of God.

I wonder if we grant authority where no authority should exist, or do we choose poorly, much like Israel did.  Do we choose an employer without considering their mission or their leadership.  Do we choose a spouse without understanding their overall character.  Do we choose a news station without evaluating the truthfulness of their reporting.  Do we choose a professional without examining the consistency of the advice or product they provide.  Do we choose a friend without weighing their integrity.  There is a certain amount of authority we grant in these circumstances and many of them are difficult if not impossible to remove once they are established.  They are areas of natural authority in our lives, but do we make good choices within them?  What worldview is represented?  What are the core beliefs?  Are we able to keep everything in proper perspective?  Do we understand what we are choosing?   I hope so.

Please do not misunderstand.  Scripture is very clear about the requirement to submit to the authority over us; for it is God who establishes authority.  However, in the places where we have a choice of authority, are we choosing wisely?  Are there areas where we need to take back what we have carelessly given away?  Who will we allow to influence us?  Does it subvert the authority of Christ?  

I am more careful these days than I have ever been.  The spiritual warfare that is taking place in our world is evident and can be daunting.  We must remember who God is and that He has all authority.  We must not reject His authority, and surely, we must not choose another authority contrary to His.  For once we are under authority, it is our responsibility to submit and adhere.  Let’s be careful how, what, and who we choose.