Be Single Minded


Psalms 37:23 (NKJV)

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way.”

I wasn’t sure what I needed to do in this particular situation.  I had not used my education in a certain area for at least four or five years, and had no intention of using it in the future.  But I had worked so hard to obtain it.  I wondered if I should really let it lapse, or work on the continuing education credits I needed in order to maintain my active status.  I prayed about it.  I didn’t really WANT to do it, but felt I would regret it if I didn’t.  I prayed and finally agreed that I would put in the work to get it done.  There is no way I would have known the benefit that would come to me for doing that.  I took the first step, not knowing why, then another, and another, and The Lord blessed it.

I can’t tell you how many times over the last few months I have prayed and agonized over a step that led to another step, and another, that in turn, resulted in favor, progress, or growth.  Signing papers not knowing a deadline was looming.  Being referred to a neighbor of a friend, who in turn referred me to someone else who could provide needed guidance.  Sharing a personal life experience that resulted in being used in other areas I had not imagined.  All of these scenarios, and others, have happened to me.  I hope and pray for more.  You see, the outcome of these small, seemingly simple steps have been evidence to me that God is active in my life.  

That is what this verse says to me.  As we follow God, HE is the one who directs our steps.  He is the one who knows the outcome.  As we are faithful to Him in the everyday small steps, He actually guides us.  We may not see that there is a step, a decision, or even a plan, but He is directing us.  He already knows and is very pleased with the way He has for us.  

I want to be pleased as well.  I can be, because He is.  I may need a reminder from time to time, but this verse can be the reminder I need.  Every single step I take is established and He is pleased.  He has a way for you as well.  Be encouraged!  He knew your way before you were ever born and He is pleased to help you step it out every day of your life.  It delights Him to see it happen.