Be Single Minded


Luke 16:24-26 (NIV®)

“So he called to him ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’  But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here, but you are in agony.  And besides this, between us and you, a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’”

The separation we have after the loss of a loved one.  The pain and sometimes anguish that occurs.  Oh, how we long to see them again.  We have the privilege of knowing and loving them for a season, and then we lose them for a time, because we have confident hope of seeing them again in heaven.  Still, it can be difficult.  But God.  That is one of my most favorite phrases in scripture, “But God”.  In this instance… but God gave us a comforter in the Holy Spirit, but God leads us forward to where we go next, but God says we will all be together with Him one day.  We will be okay because of God.

My thoughts turn to those who will not be there, banished to everlasting Hell, separated from God forever.  I can only imagine the continual and perpetual pain, anguish, and guilt that will be experienced by those who don’t know Christ.  Oh, I know Hell is fire, and I am not making light of that, for the agony is described in this verse.  But I wonder if the physical pain will pale in comparison to the internal pain of knowing that they are there because of their own choices.  They have passed the point of return.  Now, the separation that exists between them and God is unbearable.  The memory of opportunities.  The longing for relief with no hope that it will come.  The absence of God from their existence must be terrifying.  The difficulties in life may have been significant, but at least there was some grace built within their circumstances.  Now there is no part of God to buffer the blows of the enemy; it is every second of every minute of every hour of every day. The torment is unimaginable.  The separation incurable.

Do you know someone who needs The Lord Jesus Christ?  Imagine the chasm, the separation for them if they don’t make that choice.  Pray and look for an open door to talk with them.  Begin praying for them now, that their heart will be receptive.  No one really wants that separation – they just don’t know they don’t want it.  Be determined to help them while you can.

I am grateful that in Christ, not only are we saved from death, but we have the hope of being with those we love in Heaven; the hope of being with Christ.  No more loss.  No more pain.  No more tears.  No more separation.  I can hardly wait.  Make sure you are ready.