Be Single Minded


Psalm 107:15-16 (NKJV)

“Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He has broken the gates of bronze, and cut the bars of iron in two. “

It was over 30 years ago when I found myself in a jail cell. The bars were triangle shaped instead of round. They were thick and black. On the outside was the devil himself, pointing his bony finger at me and saying “you will NEVER get out of these bars”. No, it was not a physical jail cell, but it was just as real. Every day I would see that picture and it would play over and over inside of my mind. I was in bondage. I did not know how I arrived there, but I was there and could not get out.

I prayed, listened to Christian music, read the Bible, went to church, sang Christian songs with others but this was always waiting in the background for me. Waiting for the quiet times in the evenings to reappear and torment me.

Then came Easter. I can’t say I did anything different. I had chosen to follow Christ irrespective of the battle that raged inside of me. He knew my heart. He knew my predicament. It was Easter weekend when I saw Him walk up to those bars, stretch out His hand, and say “Be Broken”. The bars crumbled. Just like that, I was free!

I often look back on those days and wonder. I wonder how I ended up there. I wonder why. But one thing I do not wonder about is who freed me. Jesus Christ. It was a real life example of His love, His compassion, and His power. The devil couldn’t hold me for Christ was my salvation, Christ was my liberator, Christ was my help.

Have you experienced a type of bondage? Are you there now? Pray for God’s mercy. Stay in His word, the Bible. Trust Him. Persevere in His strength. Choose Him.  He is a good and gracious God. He will not be silent forever. He will come. Through His mercy and grace you will know freedom because even death could not hold Him captive. He rose from the grave and proved He is Lord, and He is Lord over what you are going through. He can overcome any bondage you have. Believe in Him. Seek Him. Trust Him. Be obedient to Him. He is good and gracious. He will break your bars and set you free. Be free in Jesus’ name.

Happy Easter.