Be Single Minded


Genesis 32:24 (NKJV)

“Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day.”

He had already seen angels. He knew it was “God’s camp”.  What a realization to know that God is where you are!  Yet Jacob was still afraid.  He wasn’t quite sure.  Oh, he had begun the journey, but he also had a really good memory of how he and his brother had parted.  He sent gifts ahead to try to appease any anger or desire for revenge.  He put those he loved the furthest away from potential harm.  He did all he could to provide a safe homecoming for he and his people.  

Jacob reminded God that God had promised He was going to bring about good in Jacob’s life.  But Jacob was not sure.  Have you ever been there?  You knew God’s promise, but still had unrest deep within?  What a dichotomy of positions.  Jacob had obediently started the journey, yet he had questions every step of the way.  If I’m understanding these verses correctly, he stayed in God’s camp that night.  He sent everyone and everything ahead, but he stayed there.  Was he deciding what to do?  Was he asking for God to show Himself and confirm the promise He had already given?  Was he just so terrified that he had to be alone?  

Whatever the reason, he found himself wrestling with God.  I don’t know why Jacob even bothered to put up a fight except that he was desperate.  He was desperate to know his fate.  He knew he needed God’s help.  He laid everything on the line that night and God showed up.  It is interesting that they wrestled at all.  After all, mortal man is no match for God.  God could have beaten Jacob in an instant, the touching of the socket in his hip proved that.  But God wanted Jacob to fight.  He wanted him to put forth the effort of working it out “man to man.”  In the end, Jacob had one request.  He wanted to be blessed by God.  He had received his brother’s birthright by stealth.  He had received his father’s blessing by deception.  He wanted God’s blessing.  He was willing to fight for it.  I think God wanted him to fight for it.  There were no shenanigans, and still, God blessed him.

Have you wrestled with God?  How desperate are we?  How determined are we to hear from Him?  How bad do we want His blessing?  What are we willing to forego in order to obtain it?  Think about it.  God may just be waiting for us to stay and wrestle.  If we do, I believe He will bless.