Be Single Minded

Good Father

Matthew 6:9 (NKJV)

“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name.”

James 1:17-18

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.  Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.”

Some people have great Dad’s in their lives. Others, maybe not so much. What I love about this verse is on days like today, where the eyes are on the Fathers, it doesn’t really matter what your personal experience is with your biological Father, because, if we are followers of Jesus Christ, God is a Father to us. Why else would Jesus instruct us to pray “Our Father” if that were not the case?

A good Father is one who loves, protects, provides, disciplines, forgives, and teaches his children. His character is one that is respected, honored, and emulated. He is present and not absent. You may have a Dad like that, but if you don’t, you are not left out. God can be to you what you may have never known before, He can be a Father to you if you will allow Him.

I think those who grow up in a Christian home with a Godly Dad learn life lessons and have some character traits embedded solidly in their own lives because they learn them early in life.  They learn how to trust, and know they can count on their Dad no matter what comes.  They know their Dad only wants the best for them and always has their best interest at heart.  Those who do not have that experience, I think, have a harder time trusting, a harder time expecting good things and believing good things are meant for them. Perhaps they think they are not worth much because their own Dad isn’t willing to invest in them?

But God (one of my most favorite phrases). God is a good Father. We all have the privilege of learning, loving, and living under the umbrella of His Fatherhood. He is good, can’t be anything but good, and has good plans for His children.

Whatever your experience, I hope you will see God as your good Father. He cares for His children. He provides, protects, loves, disciplines, forgives, and teaches us as only He can. He is present in our lives as no one else can be. Thank Him for being your Father today. Thank Him for His goodness specifically to you. Thank Him for being long-suffering and patient. Thank Him for taking the time to teach you. Thank Him for being present and for being a good Father to you. He is the best there is!