Be Single Minded

New Normal

Ezekiel 46:13 (NKJV)

“You shall daily make a burnt offering to the LORD of a lamb of the first year without blemish; you shall prepare it every morning.”

It has been several weeks since I posted anything.  I have had many changes taking place in my life.  I would say some for the good and others not so much, but because I am a follower of Jesus Christ, ALL things work together for good in my life as I seek to be faithful in following Him.  The outcome of these changes is a “new normal.”  My living arrangements, my family and friends, my daily routines, so many things are different.

The changes have brought about a more sincere desire to be exactly where The Lord wants me to be; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  So in the midst of mammoth change, I am more committed than ever to seek The Lord on a daily basis.  To have the first thing I say in the morning be “Good Morning Lord” and the last thing to be “Thank You Lord”.  To intentionally set my face in the morning to seek Him.  To take time to be in His word.  To look for ways throughout the day to honor Him and tell of His involvement and goodness in my life.  To spend my free time in ways that would be pleasing to Him.  To lay my head on my pillow at night with no regrets and no missed opportunities.  I don’t always succeed.  None of us do, for we are all far from perfect, but it is my heart.  It is what I want most.  It is my priority. He is my priority.

As followers of Christ, I think we have new normals all the time.  It is a part of our growth.  My new normal is a renewed focus in the midst of change.  What is your new normal?  No one is so “grown up” in Christ that there is no room for growth.  Everyone has change that can produce new things.  The children of Israel were learning their “new normal” after leaving Egypt.  God instructed them to DAILY bring their offerings.  He said to do it EVERY MORNING.  

What is God instructing you to do?  Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.  There is probably something new and fresh waiting as you continue to choose to follow Christ; and as you continue to walk through changes in this life.  Embrace the “new normal” He has set before you, and may that be the springboard for many “new normals” yet to come!  God Bless.