Be Single Minded


John 10:10 (NKJV)

“The thief does not come except to steal, and kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001?  I have seen documentaries and videos reminding me of the tragic events of that awful day.  It was horrific for those directly impacted.  It was unimaginable for everyone else.

The thing that comes to mind as I remember that day, beyond the mixed emotions of sadness and anger, is the realization of the evil inherent in it all.  As Christians, we understand that if the devil had his way, we would have a 9/11 experience every day of our lives; for his only aim is to harm us.  He will do it any way he can.  If the most damage can be done by lulling us to sleep in mediocrity, then he will choose that route.  If he can take us out through tragedy and destruction, he will do that.  His only aim is our ultimate destruction.  There is no good will toward us at all.  None.

So we must remember.  We must understand that the devil only has evil intentions toward us to steal our freedom, to kill us physically and spiritually, and to destroy any chance of us having life.  We must remember that Christ’s desire for us is life and He is our only salvation.  We must remember that Christ is victorious over the evil intentions of the devil and ultimately, the devil will be destroyed.  He will reap what is due him.  Christ will ultimately reign.  He is our hope.  He is our salvation.  He is our life.

So remember it all. Remember and pray for those reliving the tragedy of today.  Remember that the evil is only a shadow of what the devil desires to do to us.  Remember Jesus Christ and the life He promises.  Do not forget any of it.  Remember.