Be Single Minded


Romans 11:29 (NKJV)

“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”

I was working my way through this passage in Romans, trying to follow Paul’s thought process on God’s promise to His chosen people, the Jews, and His provision of salvation to all the rest of us who are gentiles.  Some parts I had to read and re-read in order to understand. I was midstream when I came upon this verse, and it hit me.  It felt like a cross between a king size pillow in the face during pillow fight, and a huge light-bulb in the middle of my brain… the word “irrevocable”.  

Irrevocable is something that can’t be changed.  It can’t be undone.  It can’t be nullified.  When I think about that word in relation to God’s covenant with the Jews, I am amazed.  When I think about it in relation to God’s provision for us as gentiles to be a part of His family, I am overwhelmed.  I mean, it doesn’t matter how bad I mess up today, I will always be His child.  He’ll never “take back” the promise He made to me.  He will never walk away.  He will always keep His promise and that is the same for everyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ. 

I encourage you to take time to read the eleventh chapter of Romans to get the full picture.  Are you called?  Have you received the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ?  Then you can be confident that your place is secure.  He has woven a miraculous web of salvation for Jews and gentiles alike and His promise and gift of salvation can never be taken away.  His gifts and calling are secure, solid, and sure.  He is God and He makes the rules.  He is God and cannot lie.  He is God and He will always keep His word.  He is God; He has done it, and praise God, it is irrevocable.