Be Single Minded

Just Enough

John 6:9 (NKJV) 

“‘There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?’”

Today I want to encourage you.  God has gifted you.  He has given you everything you need to live your life as He wants you to.  He has also given you talents, resources, and influence that He wants to use to further His kingdom.  You may have a little money or a lot.  You may have a little education, a lot, or none at all.  You may be physically healthy or seeking healing.  Whatever circumstance or situation, God can use you where you are.  He put you there.

The young boy in this passage had no idea when he came to the large gathering that his lunch would be used for a great miracle that day.  He did not know he would be face to face with Jesus.  He could never have imagined what God would do.  But God knew.  Jesus knew the available resources before He ever asked the disciples to take inventory.  He knew the disciples weren’t envisioning a miracle.  He used the limited resources available to feed thousands of people… all from a small boy’s lunch.

So I ask you, what do you have that God can use?  Do you have a neighbor who needs a friend?  Do you have a coworker who needs Jesus?  Is there a place you can volunteer in your church, your child’s school, or down at City Hall?  What abilities has God given you that you need to make available to Him?  Look for opportunities.   Ask God to use you.  Put in the effort and pray God will multiply those efforts to produce fruit in your circle of influence.  What you have is not too small.  It is just enough.