Be Single Minded

The Difference

Ezekiel 44:23 (NKJV)

“And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.”

Have you noticed lately how everything seems to be shifting?  The defining line between right and wrong is presented as a blur and not easily distinguishable.  Sometimes it is hard to tell if there is a difference, other times it is blatant.  There are strong forces shouting new definitions, new rules, and new objections.  If you are paying attention and you’re a Christ follower you probably feel like the world is in a downward spiral, especially since most of the changes involve things contrary to what we know to be true. 

How are we supposed to respond when those voices are so loud and everywhere we turn, we feel like we’re in the minority?

The Bible is very specific on right and wrong, truth and lies, holy and unholy, and clean and unclean. God didn’t mince words when He established these standards for us. If He “understood us” to the point of accepting our sin as being “okay” He would have never gone to the cross. There is a discernible difference between holy and unholy, clean and unclean, right and wrong, and truth and lies.  So when the propaganda of debauchery, filth, lies and evil is pushed and presented as good and right, don’t buy into it.  Ask The Lord to help you see truth and be faithful to speak that truth into the darkness.  I think you will find that there are many who will agree with you and that the loud voices are really a small minority.

Pay attention. Recognize what is taking place in your circle of influence.  Evaluate what is good, holy and clean.  Speak up.  Teach others.  If you see someone standing for truth and what is right, stand with them.  Let’s recognize the battle that is taking place and encourage each other to live according to God’s standards.  Discern what is good and right and acceptable.  Do not accept unholiness and uncleanness as common, acceptable, or good.

Never respond in hate or violence.  Respond in the love and confidence you have in Christ and leave it there. Some will shout louder.  Some will stop and think. Some will join you.  But if no one speaks truth, if no one helps point out the difference, then truth will be lost.