Be Single Minded

It’s All About Me

Romans 14:12 (NIV®)

“So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”

This verse makes me think of my future accountability session with God.  I can’t say I’m looking forward to learning all I could have done and didn’t do in this life.  I mean, I try, but I have zero confidence that I’ve gotten even half of it right.

Then I read this verse in context and realize that, while each of us will give an individualized account to God, there is an extra instruction to spend more time being concerned about ourselves and less time judging others.  Our interest in someone else should be to avoid being a stumbling block, not to judge them.

I think it is safe to say that we have a big enough job being concerned about our own lives than to waste time passing judgement on someone else.  God says we will each be held accountable for how we live.  I can encourage you to live a life set apart to God, because you will give an account just like I will, but in the end, it takes all my energy to be conformed, changed, and to live my life as I should.  So I won’t judge you… I’m too busy working on myself.  I count on you, as a follower of Christ, to do the same.  For you – accountability is all about you.  For me – it’s all about me.