Be Single Minded


Psalms 14:2 (NKJV)

“The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.”

Tarry… although it could describe someone or something covered with tar, in this instance, it is an old-fashioned word that means to “stay”.  I touched on this topic a few weeks ago, but this week it is even more solidified in my mind and applied in my life.  We need to spend time and “stay” with God.  He is watching and waiting to see if we will take time to seek Him.  It involves more than a superficial “look”.  It requires effort, determination, and intent.  When we do not make time, we do not find God.  When we always, only tread water, we never experience His depths.  When we rush through our “to do” list, we forfeit Him.

The time we set aside to read the Bible.  Do we read our allotted verses or chapter, check off our list and rush to the next thing, or do we pause, ask Him to teach us, think about what we’ve read, and listen in silence to see what He will say?  When we stay the extra two or three minutes and seek Him, the door is opened for the Holy Spirit.  He can teach, admonish, reveal, strengthen and move us to worship.  Our spirits are fed by His presence.  Do not forfeit that.  His presence is priceless.

When He points out our sin, do we apologize and try not to do that again or do we take extra time to really repent?  We know we have a sin nature and will never be perfect, but do we presume on His forgiveness and quickly move on, or do we sit in the realization of that sin and take time for Him to show us more?  The superficial sin is our action, the foundational sin is our sin nature, but there is a root that connects the two.  When we take time and seek God in our repentance, we recognize that we need forgiveness for the action and the selfishness, greed, pride, or apathy that produced that action.  The deeper level of repentance over the root produces an overwhelming humility and gratitude for His forgiveness and the cleansing is more complete in us.  If we haven’t reached the point where we are repenting of the root and motivation behind our sin and owning who we are in it all, we should probably stay there a little longer until that takes place.

When we see the majesty of a sunrise or sunset, the close call in the car that spared hardship or heartache, or something we’re just thankful and grateful for… let’s stay there a bit.  Let’s move past the “thank you Lord for protecting me” and the “wow, Lord, that is beautiful” and add to it worshipping Him for who He is… His majesty, His Lordship, His sovereignty, His presence, His acceptance, His amazing love and care for us.  Let’s block out everything else and focus on Him and who He is.  He is God.  There is no other.  Transcend the natural world.  Move into the supernatural world and glorify and bless Him there.  The Father looks for such worshippers.  Let’s be a people who seek Him.  Let’s worship.  Let’s take every opportunity to tarry!