Be Single Minded

Acknowledge or Applaud?

Philippians 2:9-11 (NKJV)

“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”

Sometimes I sit and imagine what it will be like when we all gather round the throne of Jesus. Millions of us all worshipping the one who saved us. Praising Him. Glorying in His presence.

I also think about those who have refused to acknowledge Him as Lord. Those who invested everything they had in their life with no concern for God. Those who paid no attention and lived life as they wanted, just for themselves. Those who willfully rejected God. I think about them.

If you think about it, there will be two different types of people that bow the knee that day, and the difference between them is huge.  There are those who are forced to bow the knee and do so begrudgingly.  I don’t think those people are God’s children. These are those who simply acknowledge Jesus as Lord.  Maybe they will recognize it as true but be apathetic toward that truth.  Maybe they will bow the knee only because they have to. Maybe they will bow because it is the right thing to do. Maybe they will bow because everyone else is doing it.  Maybe they will bow because they are looking for the reward that comes to those who bow. I’m sure there could be any number of reasons I haven’t listed, but I hope to be different.

The other group will be those who joyfully confess that Jesus is Lord.  These are those who rejoice because of who He is and what He has done.  These are God’s children. I look forward to being one of those who joyfully bows. I plan to have a huge smile on my face because I not only acknowledge He is Lord but I rejoice in the fact that He is Lord. I will praise Him because He included me in the number of all the other children bowing before Him. I will praise Him because He saved me. I plan on shouting in His triumph. I plan on bowing to His Lordship as God. I plan on being ecstatic because that day has finally arrived. Sin is defeated. Death is no more. Satan is vanquished. Jesus is Lord!

Where will your heart be on that day? When you stand before Jesus, will you be one who acknowledges or applauds? I hope you will applaud our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is worthy! Every knee will bow. Our tongues will joyfully confess that He is Lord. And on that day when we gather around His throne, we will do more than acknowledge. We will applaud! I can hardly wait!!