Be Single Minded

Sees, Hears, Knows

Psalm 94:9 (NKJV)

“He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see?

Have you ever sat and just watched the birds? I think about how scripture says one doesn’t fall to the ground without God knowing. I think about how they gather the food they need every day and don’t have a stockpile somewhere. So much of what I see seems to point me to truths I have learned from scripture. Maybe that’s why God made so many birds; so we would have wonderful little reminders of Him everywhere.

I was watching a robin this morning, hopping around, cocking its head and then forcing that beak through the ground in an effort to retrieve an unsuspecting worm. The other day I saw martins diving like kamikaze pilots across the top of the field consuming every insect that dared to rise above the surface of the grass. Another day I saw a hawk perched on an electrical wire looking out over a field hoping to identify the smallest movement that might result in breakfast. I have observed all of these in just the past few weeks and I am amazed at how well those birds see and hear.

As I think on that, my mind turns to God.  After all, He created these birds. He gave them beautiful colors and markings. He made them strong and agile and in the process gave them phenomenal hearing and eyesight.  Well, if God created the robins with such good hearing, surely He hears our prayers and the cries of our hearts. If He created such great eyesight in hawks and martins, surely He sees us and our frequent ailments and predicaments. Then the greatest thought of all. If He sees and hears, then He knows. When the God who created everything you can see —  sees, hears and knows who we are and where we are in life, then we can do this. Someone once said,“God didn’t necessarily come to get you out of trouble, He came to get in trouble with you”.

So today I want to remind you to look at the birds. Remember that God sees and hears and knows all you are walking through. You are not alone. Nothing is a surprise to Him. The one and only God has His eyes and ears on you and He knows everything. Set your heart and mind on Him. Find what you need there. He will help you. He sees. He hears. He knows.