Be Single Minded

For what are you training?

Hebrews 12:1b (NKJV)

“let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

I have to say, it is the hardest thing I have done in a long time. I thought I was ready. I felt like it might be a little difficult but I had been in the gym regularly and really didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. I was wrong. There I was, MAYBE halfway up the hike trail to the falls and I was exhausted. The thought to quit came and left without too much attention. I had set my mind on accomplishing this and I would do it – no matter how ugly it looked or how long it took.

So many times I find myself in scenarios that mirror the Christian life. This is no exception. For example, when we accept Christ, we say we will follow Him. Daily “obediences” are like walks around a track or trips to the gym. We practice them regularly and in doing so, we gain strength. Then the larger challenge comes. Instead of a 5k it’s a marathon. It hits close to home and it hits hard.

To make it through, we make some changes.  Time spent on “time wasters” like the tv or internet, decrease. The time we spend in the word increases. Time in prayer increases. Our focus sharpens. We identify obstacles more quickly and avoid them. We are training for something bigger. It is not just that the training reaps its own rewards (because it does) but we know the marathon is coming. We know it will take everything we have to finish. So we put aside everything that might get in our way and we run. We train regularly and eventually some of those challenges are easier. We don’t think twice about the decision to be obedient. We just do it. We are determined. We are committed. We stay disciplined in our training because we love Jesus and we want to finish well.

Much like the feeling I had when I reached the falls – that is how we feel when we successfully meet the spiritual challenges before us. We may not look pretty on the end of it. It may take everything we have. We may be totally exhausted. But we will have run the race God set before us to the best of our ability and we will reap His reward. The reward given to those who don’t quit. The reward given to those who finish.

I may be wrong, but I think days are coming where those who regularly read two verses of scripture in the morning and say a quick prayer before heading out the door are going to have a hard time completing the marathon that is ahead. I think it is going to take more from us. My guess is we all can make improvements in this area. I know I can. So after a long exhausting climb to the falls, I’ve decided my physical training is insufficient for the things I want to be able to accomplish. I’ve decided my spiritual training needs improvement as well. The question I have for you is… for what are you training?

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