Be Single Minded

Repurposed for Him

Ephesians 5:8 (NIV®)

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light.”

You’ve seen how creative some people can be.  An old milk crate is used as shelves or drawers.  A door is used as a headboard for a bed.  Even a 50 gallon drum, with a few modifications, is a well known substitute for a charcoal grill.

That is what we are, except on a much grander scale.  Our sin put us in a place where our natural tendency was to move away from God.  Our “bent” was toward ourselves, what we wanted for ourselves and how much we could get for ourselves.  It didn’t really matter what someone else thought about us, we did what we wanted.  Our “wanter” was naturally drawn to this world and its ways, and away from God.

Then along came Jesus.  He saw us as we were and said, “I can do something different with him”.  “I can do something better with her”… and He did.  He changed us.  He planted a seed in our hearts that grew into a desire for Him.  He loved us and in turn, we fell in love with Him.  The lives we used to live pale in comparison to our lives with Him now.

Do you remember?  Take a few minutes to think back.  Then take some time to look at where you are today.  Isn’t God good?  He has saved you to do more and to be more.  He is making you into a jewel, a rose, a warrior.  We will never go back to our original way of life.  We can’t.  He has changed our hearts and our minds.  We are His.  Praise God, we are repurposed.  Repurposed for Him.

Photo Credit:  ID 1398166776