Be Single Minded

Father Knows Best

Proverbs 3:6 (NKJV)

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

I’m gradually learning a valuable lesson. It is the simple action of including God in my decisions.  All of them.  There have been big moves and little moves where I could have easily done what I wanted or what I thought was best, but I would have been directing my own path. In some recent instances I thought I knew what I needed to do but only after I invited God into the picture did I really know what to do.

You might think this is overkill. I mean, does God really expect us to include Him in every decision we make? Does He care if we wear blue pants or black? Does He care if we wear glasses or contacts? Does He care if we drive a truck or a car? Does He really want to be bothered with the smallest things in our lives or is it just the big things He wants to handle — you know — who to marry, what job to have, etc.

I’m not sure He cares what color pants we wear, but I think He cares whether our attire is modest and nice because He wants us to represent Him well. I’m pretty sure He is impartial to contacts versus glasses, but He knows which one will serve us best. I’m not sure He cares whether we drive a car or a truck but I’m pretty sure He cares about how we handle our finances and prefers we drive the one that best fits our budget.

Our best decisions are made when we allow God to direct us — in everything. This scripture says “all your ways”.  I think our “ways” means what we do and how we do. For us to “acknowledge” Him in all our ways means we ask Him for His preference.  We give Him permission to have a say.  We recognize that no matter how small the decision, He knows best. No matter how difficult the decision, He knows best. In every situation He knows all the pros and cons, all the possible solutions and all the potential outcomes. We have no way of knowing all of those pieces and we can’t know His leading unless we invite Him into the decision making process. If we can remember to include Him, with the intent to follow His lead, then we can expect the best possible outcome in every decision we make — small or large. We can expect the best because He is our loving Father who has our best interest in mind… we need to include Him because Father knows best.