Be Single Minded

Eyes To See

Mark 8:18 (NKJV)

“Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And do you not remember?”

Today’s post is a gentle reminder to slow down and focus. We get so caught up in work, games, maintenance or whatever that we sometimes miss what God is doing around us and in us. So today I’d like you to read a little bit and then just stop and think.

What did the last week hold? Where did God show Himself faithful on your behalf? Where did He protect you? Whose path did you cross and God showed up? When did you hear His quiet voice and respond? What is the outcome of that?

What are you looking for in this next week? Are there potential opportunities where God might use you in another person’s life? Are you planning time with Him so you can hear from Him the things you need to do? Are you ready to see what He will do – ready to see Him?

The scripture reference above comes after the feeding of the 4,000. Jesus seems amazed that the disciples weren’t remembering the miracle that had recently taken place. He seems surprised they missed the point of it all – not seeing or hearing the eternal meaning behind the earthly activity. We tend to be like that don’t we?

So today, take some time. Set your mind on heavenly things. Remember what God did last week. See and hear through the eyes of eternity. Then think about this next week and determine to take time to see and hear what God has for you. Let’s not miss what He has in front of us. Let’s have eyes to see.

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