Be Single Minded

Our Confidence

Malachi 3:6a (NKJV)

“For I am the LORD, I do not change;”

Look around. What do you see? I see wars. I see God’s people ambushed. I see the law applied unevenly. I see a redefining of right and wrong. I see fear, confusion, deception and division.

On the other hand, I see people standing up. I see clarity of thought. I see truth revealed. I see renewed determination. I see unity and love among God’s people.

The thing is, it can get pretty depressing if I think too long about all that is wrong in this world. Thinking about the good things can help, but honestly, even that isn’t enough to get me through the day. I imagine it isn’t enough for you either.

What gets me through? Remembering that God is God and He doesn’t change. He still defines what is true and what is not (John 1:17). He has promised that He will be with us no matter what (Hebrews 13:5). He says He will return one day and clean up all the mess of this world. The evil will be expelled and punished. Good will prevail and God will rule (1 Corinthians 15:24-25). His word is true, solid and persistent. Best of all, nothing about God will ever change.

My confidence isn’t in how things look in this world, good or bad. My confidence isn’t even in how things look in my day. My confidence is in God. In His power. In His presence. In His authority. In His plans. He is and always will be. Irrespective of what this world looks like or where the path seems to be leading…. in the end, our destiny is set, our future is secure, our God is eternal and immovable. Our confidence is in Him because no matter what happened yesterday or what happens today or tomorrow, God‘s plans are set. He alone is God, fully capable of doing what He said, and neither He or His plans will ever change. Be encouraged! God is God and HE is our Confidence.

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