Be Single Minded

Life And Death

Deuteronomy 30:19 (NKJV)

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;”

It is that time of year again. Costumes and decorations for a holiday that began as a day to remember the saints who had died. Faithful Christians who had become martyrs for their faith. Today it ranges between two extremes. There are those who use the day for dressing up their little ones as angels and animals and plan fun times with candy and cuteness. There are others who focus on the emphasis of fear, blood and death.

I want to encourage you, especially this Halloween, to use it for good. Recent events in the news have provided a very clear picture as to what evil and death look like in reality. My childhood pastor said that once you laugh at something it is hard to take it serious ever again. I think that can be true in almost every scenario… until the reality of an evil event happens to you. Then it’s not quite so funny.  So, for me, seeing people take pleasure in blood, death and evil, even if it is intended to be “make believe”, is sad and has an air of deception about it. Especially when you recognize the reality that lives behind everything that is being portrayed.

Some might think I am being a little over the top in my analysis but can we stop and imagine an evening of good, righteousness and life? What if we live out our beliefs in such a way that we reveal the absolute contrast of a life that runs toward death and one that runs toward life? Use the time to have fun with your kids dressed as teddy bears, firemen, and angels but don’t miss the opportunity to help them recognize the differences in what they are seeing. Jesus is good, light, life and love. The devil is bad, dark, death and hate. Help them see. Then be happy and glad for what Jesus has done for us so we don’t have to live in darkness, death and fear.

If we take the time to look, we can see that God has put choices before us in every aspect of our lives. We choose Him in so many areas, let’s not miss this one. Let’s use this opportunity to plant the seeds of truth in our families. Call out the darkness and stand in the light. Make the right choice between life and death.

Photo Credit:  ID 1300775050