Be Single Minded

Give Thanks

Psalm 107:8 (NIV®)

“Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind,”

Thanksgiving and the holiday season can be the best and worst time of the year. Families gather and that can be good for some and not so good for others. Busy days filled with preparations can be exciting or overwhelming. The break in our normal routines can be welcomed or dreaded.

Irrespective of where you are entering this Thanksgiving holiday, I hope you will take the time to stop long enough to give thanks to God for His goodness to you. Even if you find yourself in a very hard place, you can be sure God loves you and He is with you in that place. If you are with family or friends, share something for which you are thankful with them. If you are alone, set aside time to be thankful before the Lord. Whatever your circumstance, focus. Do not miss the opportunity to thank Him.

I am thankful. The Lord has done so much for me. I am not just thankful for my job, my family, my friends or my home. I am thankful because He has rescued my life from bondage, rejection and oppression. He has saved me from myself. Because of His sacrifice, I will spend eternity with Him but even more, I get to live with Him today and tomorrow and any other day He gives after that. He has shown Himself faithful to me and even though all the boxes aren’t checked off on my “wish list” for life, His care for me has been that of a loving Father who always and only has good thoughts toward me. If you are His child, He only has good thoughts toward you.

What are you thankful for? Don’t wait until Thursday. Practice today and tomorrow. Start being thankful now and let it spill over into this entire holiday season. God is so good to us. Give thanks!

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