Be Single Minded

The Reason

Luke 2:11 (NKJV)

“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Christmas is upon us. Just a few more weeks and families will gather together. There will be laughter, love, and lots of food. For some, there will be children running around the house with an uncontainable excitement released as high-pitched squeals. The celebration of the season brings a warm and happy aura that culminates in a type of contentment that is especially satisfying this time of year.

Then there are those whose Christmas looks very different. They have no family. They have no home to host friends. They have no finances to create a feast or even to offer a simple meal to someone else. They have little, yet they will still have Christmas.

One man’s abundance amplifies the shortages of another. But the presents and things, even the traditional entree, mean very little without the miracle of Christmas. It might sound cliche but it is not. Jesus is everything. So don’t fail to include Him in whatever plans you have this Christmas. You still have time. It doesn’t really matter how you do it. Just do it. Maybe share what Jesus means to you with family or friends. Maybe make a list of how your life is better because of your relationship with Christ. Maybe spend some time and thank Him. He really is the reason.

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