Be Single Minded

A Little Grace

Matthew 7:12 (NIV®)

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

We all have a tendency to live in our own world. That is sometimes more pronounced during the holiday season. Today is a reminder (yes, to me as well) to step outside of our “to do list” and purposefully pay attention to the people around us. The gas station, grocery, shopping mall, wherever we go, let’s be purposeful in paying attention to other people. Not in a weird way but in a way that allows us to minister to them in whatever way possible.

I am convinced people have “under the surface” issues taking place in their lives and for whatever reason those issues get magnified during Christmas. If you’re one of those people then you know I’m right. Christmas shouldn’t exponentially increase pain, stress  or sorrows in people’s lives but it sometimes does. The smallest agitation causes what was normally contained in a simmer, to boil over.

If you happen to be at a point in life where everything is perfect, congratulations. Most are not there. This Christmas, let’s make extra effort to focus on others and what we can do to help. A simple smile can turn someone’s bad mood into a returned smile and brightened attitude. Maybe someone needs encouragement. Maybe they need empathy. Maybe they need a little higher tip at the restaurant because of their extra expenses this season. Knowing the specifics isn’t necessary, showing the love of God is.  God may have you cross someone’s path to meet a need or provide help that no one else can.  Don’t miss it.

If you’re great, be great to others. If you’re hurting, seek to understand and encourage others who are hurting. If you’re overwhelmed, your understanding of being overwhelmed can help you empathize with others and maybe help relieve their load. Amazing enough, sometimes helping someone else can actually lift your spirits as well.  Even if it doesn’t, it’s the right thing to do.

Do what you can do and I’ll do what I can do. Let’s make a difference in someone else’s life this Christmas season.  If they’re having a hard day it is usually not you or me. It’s the pressure seeping through from the inside and we just happen to be in the way. Let’s not be easily offended. Let’s be patient. Let’s be kind.  Let’s overlook the transgression of others and behave toward them in the way we would want to be treated if we were in their shoes. Maybe we’ll get good enough at it that we do it more days than just Christmas.  We should always try to show a little grace.

Photo Credit:  ID 1067109544