Be Single Minded

Learn Obedience

Hebrews 5:8 (NKJV)

though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.

Experience is sometimes the best teacher, isn’t it?  We make decisions on how we want to handle situations but the testing of that decision doesn’t really come until we have to live it out.  I think that is “learned obedience”. We determine to obey God but we have to learn to obey in the heat of the moment.

We want to be faithful and, if we have studied the Bible and followed God for a while, we know what to do in most areas of our lives. God’s word has laid out the basics but obedience requires more than just knowing what to do.  It requires action.  Obedience refuses to rationalize or make excuses no matter what the outcome might be.  Obedience is sometimes sacrificial.  Sometimes it is uncomfortable.  In every instance, obedience is growth and creates a foundation for more obedience.  It solidifies our resolve and strengthens us. Obedience is required if we are to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Sometimes, obedience is its own reward.

To learn obedience is to follow through with what we know is right at the time we are faced with the opportunity.  Jesus did it.  When He walked this earth, He knew the answer to every black, white and gray question. He knew the right thing to do in every scenario. When obedience required sacrifice, He was obedient to the point of death.  

Today I want to encourage you to be obedient, just as Jesus was, irrespective of potential outcomes.  We are not often required to suffer for our obedience but we should not shy away from it.  Like Christ, we have to follow through in the moment.  It is the only way to learn obedience.

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