Be Single Minded


Matthew 7:23 (NKJV)

“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”

Electricity is an amazing thing. I don’t understand it. Electrons, protons, neutrons, positive charge, negative charge, even the simplest explanations can leave my head spinning. I don’t understand how a car engine works either, but I use it. Gratefully, I don’t have to understand everything in order to benefit from it.

What if we used electricity only for appliances or air conditioning, but not for lighting? What if we decided to not use it at all? What if we only used an engine to cut the yard with a mower and never to drive a car?  What if we just cut the yard with scissors?  We could use the good things of electricity or engines but not to the full extent of their capabilities.  We might gain some benefit but not the full benefit intended. Is it because we are content to only use them in a limited way or because we really don’t understand their intended use?

The president of the United States lives in Washington DC. We know there is such a position in our country. We’ve seen interviews with him and interviews of those who know him, but we have never personally met the President .

Because of our knowledge, we decide to make the most of it and approach the front door of the White House.  We are pleasantly received because we say we know the President.  Finally, we reach the oval office and the President of the United States looks up from behind the Resolute Desk. We walk up to him, smile broadly and extend a hand of friendship.  At that moment, we have assumed a familiarity that does not exist. He does not know us and one look to the security stationed with him, results in us being scooped up by the neck and thrown off the property.

We hear about one named Jesus who came to save us from our sins. We decide it is a good story and we choose to believe it actually happened. We decide the principles the Bible establishes are good and provide guidance for a good way to live. Maybe subconsciously we decide it is the way to gain an excusal for any bad behavior or poor outcomes we might have in our lives. To top it off, we have salvation in our back pocket as an ace in the hole. We’ll follow a few rules, hold to some traditions, and believe that all of that will save us in the end. Only, what if it won’t?

We can go through our entire lives and still miss it, much like not using electricity or engines, or trying to make it into the oval office with no credentials and no family relation. Deep emotions, church experiences or purposeful obedience to God’s “rules” is not the answer. He is. Christianity is not being good or following traditions, it is actually knowing a person. His name is Jesus. That is why this verse is so important. Jesus says “depart”, not to those who don’t believe, but to those He doesn’t know. Those who try to enter the oval office when they shouldn’t.  Those who think a little use of the rules will be their ticket for entry.  Those who maybe thought their obedience meant they knew Him, at least from a distance.  Those who never lived in relationship. Those who never ever really knew Him and were, therefore, never really known.

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